StrategEast State and IT Eurasian Forum-2021

Startups Acceleration: Route to Silicon Valley

The IT industry has become a significant factor in the development of the Eurasian countries’ economies. However, until now, local IT companies are mainly limited to outsourcing and outstaffing. Can Eurasian IT move from a service model to a product model? What difficulties do Eurasian startups face when entering the regional or global markets? – among the questions that will be discussed at the breakout session.


Chris Burry, Co-CEO at the US Market Access Center


Edil Ajibaev, Founder of PicVPic

Mansur Mamadjanov, Co-founder and Business Development Manager at

Daniil Maykovskiy, CMC Partner, New Business Director MCT Agency. Business Development Solutions Turkmenistan

Shirin Mukanbetova, Executive Manager, Kyrgyz Software and Services Developers Association

Andre Tikhomirov, Managing Partner at Kolos Ventures, Belarus