StrategEast State and IT Eurasian Forum-2021

Inclusive Development of Eurasian Tech

The creation of the IT industry can make a great contribution to the economic development of Eurasia, the transition from an industrial to a knowledge economy.

However, in addition to economic growth, the IT industry can also contribute to the inclusiveness of economic development. How to make sure that the creation of a new IT industry does not lead to an increase in the gap between the rich and the poor, between urban and rural areas, but also decrease those gaps, making sure gender equality and disability inclusion? These issues will be raised at the panel discussion “Inclusive Development of Eurasian Tech”.


Nikolay Yarmov, Senior AmCham Advisor USAID’s FGI Project


Kate Bunina, Managing Director, USMAC and Program Director at Prospera Women

Elena Chigibaeva, Co-Founder and Project Manager at Public Foundation Techaim Kyrgyz Republic

Natia Kapanadze, Gender and Youth Expert, the USAID Economic Security Program

Asel Kubanychbekova, Regional Coordinator for the WAGE Project in Central Asia – CIPE Europe & Eurasia