The StrategEast State and IT Eurasian Forum is held annually in different countries of the Eurasian region.

Annual StrategEast State and IT Eurasian Forum is a unique platform that brings together global and local representatives of the private sector, the governments and the financial institutions. The Forum provides a unique opportunity to discuss what needs to be done in order to enhance the innovative economy across the region, and to assist the Eurasian countries to integrate into the global economic and security system.

  • Above 70 high-level speakers
  • Above 200 participants
  • Over 30 global and regional institutional partners
  • Informal communication between the government officials and the IT leaders
  • Plenty of opportunities for networking

What are the goals of the Forum? 

  • To identify common opportunities and challenges of the IT sector in the Eurasian and Baltic countries
  • To suggest practical solutions to the existing challenges in the fields of legislation, taxation and IPR
  • To attract international IT companies and venture funds to the potential of the IT industry in the region
  • To share best practices, experience and knowledge regarding the relations between the government and the IT sector

Who are the participants? 

  • Senior representatives of the USA and the EU governments and state agencies
  • Senior representatives of the governments of the Eurasian and Baltic states
  • Global IT companies, VC funds, investment banks
  • Heads of IT associations and leaders of the IT sector from the region


StrategEast is a strategic center with the mission to reinforce the values of the rule of law and intellectual property protection in Eurasian and Baltic countries through the transition from natural-resource-based to knowledge-driven economy.

Our work is focused on the 14 countries, which proclaimed or restored their independence after the collapse of the USSR: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Estonia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan.

StrategEast is a registered 501(c)3 organization based in the United States.

For more information about StrategEast, please visit our website strategeast.org


Head Office

E-mail: office@strategeast.org

Postal address:
1900 K Street, NW
Washington, D.C. 20006